

last day of the boston gift show - i hate to see you go!

Sadly, today is the last day of the Boston Gift Show. It seems as though its been my been my focus for so long now – I'm definitely going to miss the entire experience once it's over at 1:00 this afternoon. I would consider it a huge success. We took orders - which is key. We networked with vendors, buyers, reps, suppliers and had a great time in the process. Debbie and I met gallery directors, museum shop owners, specialty catalog developers and more. Even with a slow day yesterday due to the lousy weather I had fun chatting it up with my booth neighbors from California, New Jersey and Seattle. A lot of opportunities presented themselves and it's going to be really interesting to see which of them pan out - hopefully all of them! I'll keep you posted on each one as they develop. 

A snapshot of my assembled booth up top. A quick pic of me in the booth taken by Debbie.
And a shot of the booth from a bird' s eye view.

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