

autumn inspired art

After spending much of the last two weeks romping around on beaches the nip in there is most evident up here in Massachusetts. Last night I even dragged my buttocks up to the attic and got my down comforter as well as the electric mattress pad. I plugged it in but I did not turn it on. I morph into a 91 year old lady with the first dip in temperature. Tomorrow I might even wear socks. Maybe I'll knit some first - then wear them.

Still on that acorn streak. I love the simple shape.  Pin It

1 comment:

Roberta Warshaw said...

I am loving the acorns! They are all so different, yet still using the same shape.
I cracked up at your comment about the weather. I too turn into a 90 year old woman at the first sight of cooler weather. I used to live in Florida so I have no tolerance for the cold. And it isn't even cold yet! But I am indoors, bike put away...........sigh.