

happy halloween!

I spent last week in Ireland. We jammed a lot into a short visit - just a week. We needed way longer than that! The Cliffs of Moher were breathtaking. The pubs were cozy and warm in the chilly autumn air. We even traipsed through a cow pasture to gain entry into the ruins of a 12th century abbey in Golden, Tipperary County. We never even heard about Hurricane Sandy til we were leaving Ireland on Saturday. Hope all of you on the East Coast rode that through okay. Between the jet lag and the storm I found myself on Monday in a particular state of mind that allowed me to finally put some of the finishing touches on BBB's new website...until we lost power that is. Started it up again yesterday and brought it to a point that I could live with. There's always tweaking to be done. And as much as I had wanted to sign on with Big Cartel to use as a merchandising site I decided to continue to reroute to Etsy for now for shopping purposes. I'd love to get some feedback (like maybe I should have built it smaller or adjustable for laptops - believe it or not I started to, got distracted and built it large, oh well.)...and learn about any broken links I may need to fix!

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