

made in the usa

As we draw nearer to choosing who will run our country over the next four years I won't try and sway your decision either way. I think that's a very personal decision and I don't think it's ever a good idea to use public forums and social media to campaign for your party. Regardless of who wins, I hope special attention is given to keeping our spending dollars here in America. My mission is to use as many American suppliers and manufacturers as possible when I create my jewelry. That's hard to do sometimes because many of the bezels and findings that are available are created overseas. I've run into a few brick walls when using some of these pieces - discontinued and bad plating being two. Last month I reported heading down to Rhode Island to chat with a jewelry caster to see if we could possibly start to manufacture some of our own bezels and findings. This week we got our first samples. All I can say is HOORAY! The samples are gorgeous. And better yet - the work is done right here in New England in the good old USA. Even more fantastic than anything I've used in the past - these new bezels are beautifully silver plated and look awesome filled with Boston Baked Beads exclusive designs. PS. Don't forget to vote.

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